
ReACH Research Poster Wins GRASP Advocate Choice Award

February 20, 2024

The ReACH Center is thrilled to announce that Seoyon Lee, a MS3 from the Long School of Medicine, and her faculty mentor ReACH Associate Director, Lisa Smith Kilpela, PhD, have been awarded the GRASP Advocate Choice Award for their poster at the upcoming Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos Conference.  GRASP (Guiding Advocates to […]

The AHEC Scholars Program is Accepting Applications

August 5, 2022

Apply today to become an AHEC scholar! The AHEC Scholars Program is an opportunity for health profession students of all disciplines to participate in interprofessional healthcare team activities. AHEC Scholars Program is accepting applications from health professional students across South Texas. As a bonus, the AHEC Scholars program offers a $500 stipend per year, in […]

Become a Member of the ReACH Team

March 7, 2022

The ReACH Center continues to grow. The national Rural Telementoring Training Center (RTTC) is looking for a community outreach and marketing coordinator, a position that will be housed at ReACH. The RTTC is a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded program at UT Health San Antonio that provides free training, tools, and technical assistance […]

UT Health San Antonio is now an ECHO Superhub!

October 11, 2021

UT Health San Antonio is now an ECHO Superhub! This status authorizes UT Health SA to deliver training and technical assistance to other organizations and institutions in becoming ECHO hubs. This step is the culmination of tremendous work by Waridibo Allison MD, Ph.D. (the UT Health San Antonio ECHO Director and the team at the […]

New Publication on D&I Science

August 3, 2021

Kathleen R. Stevens, EdD, FAAN, RN, ANEF, Castella Endowed, Distinguished Professor in the School of Nursing, UT Health San Antonio, and her team have recently published an article Bootstrapping Implementation Research Training: A successful Approach for Academic Centers in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. ReACH Scholars Erin Finley, PhD, MPH, and Bertha “Penny” […]

Reconsider the Use of Terms of “Provider” and “Ancillary”

June 23, 2021

Joel Tsevat, MD, MPH, Director of the ReACH Center, recently commented on a viewpoint published on the JAMA network, “Promoting Trust and Morale by Changing How the Word Provider Is Used.” In the article, the authors made a point that the word “provider” sounds offensive, ambiguous, and confusing. Dr. Tsevat’s comment calls out how the term […]

Express News Picture - Vaccine Distrust

ReACH faculty, staff interviewed about community uptake of COVID vaccine

January 14, 2021

San Antonio Express News recently interviewed ReACH staff, Ludivina Hernandez, CHW-I and scholar, Luz Garcini, PhD, MPH to better understand the the how San Antonio residents view the COVID-19 vaccine. Although communities of color are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, a history of mistreatment by the healthcare system has led to distrust and a reluctance to […]

ReACH Core Scholar Waridibo Allison Uses Telemedicine to Care for HIV Patients During COVID

July 20, 2020

ReACH Core Scholar Waridibo Allison, MD, PhD was featured on Fox San Antonio discussing the use of telemedicine to care for patients with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Dr. Allison is the Medical Director at the San Antonio AIDS Foundation and is the Director of UT Health San Antonio ECHO which is administratively supported and housed within the ReACH […]

ReACH Center Publication Cited in Recent USPSTF Hepatitis C Screening Recommendation

July 13, 2020

Recently published data from the ReACH Center’s STOP HCC-HCV program was cited in the recently released US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Recommendation Statement supporting the expansion of screening for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection from baby boomers to adolescents and adults. In March, the USPSTF issued new recommendations to screen all adults aged 18-79 for HCV. This recommendation is based off […]